随着出国留学人数的不断增加,很多留学生都会遇到如何申请普林斯顿大学的问题,据托普仕小编了解,普林斯顿大学提供两种申请方式,一种是Single-Choice Early Action,需要于11月1日之前递交申请表;另一种是Regular Decision Program,需要于1月1日前递交申请表。接下来托普仕小编将为你详细介绍如何申请普林斯顿大学,以帮助各位学子选择更能发挥你的优势。
A Completed Application. You must submit your application online through either the Coalition Application, Common Application or the Universal College Application.
已完成的申请。您必须通过联盟申请, 普通申请 或普遍大学申请在线提交申请。
Princeton's Supplement. In addition to the application provided by the Coalition Application, Common Application or Universal College Application, all applicants must submit the Princeton Supplement. You should submit the Princeton Supplement online through the Coalition Application, Common Application or Universal College Application website.
Application Fee or Fee Waiver. You may submit a fee waiver one of two ways:
1) Select the fee waiver option on the Coalition Application, Common Application or Universal College Application. Your college or guidance counselor must approve your fee waiver request online or submit your fee waiver form by mail or fax.
2) Select one of the following fee waiver options on the Princeton Supplement: Princeton-specific, ACT, College Board, NACAC or Realize Your College Potential. All low-income students are eligible for the Princeton-specific fee waiver. In addition, all applicants who are serving or have served in the U.S. military are eligible for the Princeton-specific fee waiver.
2)在普林斯顿补充协议上选择以下费用减免选项之一:普林斯顿特定, ACT, 大学理事会, NACAC 或 实现您的学院潜力。所有低收入学生都有资格享受普林斯顿特定的学费减免。此外,所有在美国军队服役或服役的申请人都有资格享受普林斯顿特定的减免费用。
If you use the Princeton-specific fee waiver, you do not need to get approval from your college counselor or academic adviser. Students named QuestBridge Finalists should select the QuestBridge fee waiver.
如果您使用普林斯顿特定的费用减免,则无需获得大学辅导员或学术顾问的批准。名为QuestBridge Finalists的学生应选择QuestBridge费用减免。
Graded Written Paper. A paper you have written, preferably in the subjects of English or history.