美国波士顿学院申请托福雅思成绩最低分数是多少呢?托普仕小编根据波士顿学院官网最新消息,iBT上最低分100分,雅思7.5分。如果SAT EBRW上获得600分或以上,或者在ACT英语获得27或更高分,雅思或托福不做要求。以下是详细介绍:
Official standardized test results must be sent directly from the testing agency to Boston College. Boston College's SAT CEEB code is 3083. Boston College's ACT code is 1788. If having score reports sent from the College Board or ACT to Boston College presents a financial hardship, applicants should have their high school guidance counselor contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Alternatives may be explored on a case-by-case basis.
译:官方标准化测试结果必须直接从测试机构发送到波士顿学院。波士顿学院的SAT CEEB代码是3083.波士顿学院的ACT代码是1788.如果从大学理事会或ACT向波士顿学院发送成绩报告会带来经济困难,申请人应该让他们的高中辅导员联系本科入学办公室。可以根据具体情况探讨替代方案。
If you submit multiple scores, we will superscore the tests for our evaluation.
We require the TOEFL examination or the IELTS for all international applicants whose primary native language is not English and who attend a secondary school outside of the U.S. Minimum scores of 100 on the iBT and 7.5 on the IELTS are recommended. Boston College's Institutional Testing Code is 3083. The Department Code is 00. We will only waive the IELTS or TOEFL requirement if you score 600 or above on the SAT EBRW or 27 or better on the ACT English section.
译:对于所有主要母语不是英语并且在美国以外的中学就读的国际申请者,我们要求 托福 考试或 雅思考试。建议在iBT上最低分100分,在雅思成绩上分数为7.5分。波士顿学院的机构测试代码是3083.部门代码是00.如果您在SAT EBRW上获得600分或以上,或者在ACT英语部分获得27或更高分,雅思或托福不做要求。
If you have attended a U.S. high school for at least three years, and you are enrolled in a traditional academic curriculum without ESOL coursework, the TOEFL or IELTS exam is not required. If you feel further evidence of your English skills will enhance your application, you are still welcome to send those test scores.
It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive all of your standardized testing by the stated application deadlines. For Early Action, we will consider the November 2018 SAT as long as scores are received by November 22. We will consider the October 2018 ACT if scores are received by November 15.
译:您有责任确保我们按规定的申请截止日期收到所有标准化测试 。对于早期行动,只要在11月22日之前收到分数,我们将考虑2018年11月的SAT。如果在11月15日之前收到分数,我们将考虑2018年10月的ACT。