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400 - 686 - 9991


托普仕留学 当前位置: 托普仕留学 > 美国留学申请 > 正文
上传时间: 2023-09-20 16:52:22           浏览量: 1238



  此外,获得ib文凭(不是证书)的学生将获得15个额外的通识教育学分。这些通识教育学分将在三个知识领域中平均分配(每个领域5学分),预约咨询400 - 686 - 9991,经验老师帮您解疑答惑。






IB DepartmentScoreCourse(s) and CreditsCounts Toward/Comments
African History7,6,5HIST 108 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
American History7,6,5HSTAA 101 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Anthropology7,6,5ANTH 202 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Arabic A
No credit
Arabic B7ARAB 108 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation. See department for placement.
Arabic B6ARAB 108 (10 cr.)
Arabic B5ARAB 108 (5 cr.)
Policy to be determined.
Biology7,6,5BIOL 161-162 (10 cr.)Counts toward Natural World general education requirement for graduation.
Business and Management7,6,5No credit
Chemistry7CHEM 142, 152, 162 (5, 5, 5)General chemistry for science and engineering majors. Counts toward Natural World general education requirement for graduation. CHEM 142 also satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement.
Students with IB scores of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level Chemistry exam who plan to major in chemistry or biochemistry are strongly encouraged to discuss the option of enrolling in the honors introductory chemistry sequence, Chem 145-165, with the undergraduate advisers in the Chemistry department.
Chemistry6CHEM 142, 152 (5, 5)General chemistry for science and engineering majors. Counts toward Natural World general education requirement for graduation. CHEM 142 also satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement.
Students with IB scores of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level Chemistry exam who plan to major in chemistry or biochemistry are strongly encouraged to discuss the option of enrolling in the honors introductory chemistry sequence, Chem 145-165, with the undergraduate advisers in the Chemistry department.
Chemistry5CHEM 142 (5)General chemistry for science and engineering majors. Counts toward Natural World general education requirement for graduation.
Students with IB scores of 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level Chemistry exam who plan to major in chemistry or biochemistry are strongly encouraged to discuss the option of enrolling in the honors introductory chemistry sequence, Chem 145-165, with the undergraduate advisers in the Chemistry department.
Chinese A
No credit
Chinese B7CHIN 201, 202, 203 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation. For further study, instructor evaluation required for placement.
Chinese B6CHIN 201, 202 (10 cr.)
Chinese B5CHIN 201 (5 cr.)
Computer Science7,6,5CSE 100 (5 cr.)Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement.
Design Technology7,6,5ENGR 100 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
East/Southeast Asia and Oceania History7,6,5HSTAS 108 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Economics7,6ECON 200, 201 (10 cr.)Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement and/or counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Economics5ECON 200 (5 cr.)Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning graduation requirement or counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
English A7,6,5ENGL 193 (5 cr.)Counts toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
English B
No credit
European History7,6,5HIST 113 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
French A
No credit
French B7FRENCH 201, 202, 203 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
French B6FRENCH 201, 202 (10 cr.)
French B5FRENCH 201 (5 cr.)
Geography7,6,5GEOG 100 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Germanics A
No creditConsult the department academic advisor for case by case review.
Germanics B7GERMAN 201, 202, 203 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
Germanics B6GERMAN 201, 202 (10 cr.)
Germanics B5GERMAN 201 (5 cr.)

See African History; American History; East/Southeast Asia and Oceana History; European History.
Italian A
No credit
Italian B7ITAL 201, 202, 203 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation.
Italian B6ITAL 201, 202 (10 cr.)
Italian B5ITAL 201 (5 cr.)
Japanese A
No credit
Japanese B7JAPAN 321, 322, 323 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation.
Japanese B6JAPAN 321, 322 (10 cr.)
Japanese B5JAPAN 321 (5 cr.)
Latin7,6,5LATIN 305, 306, 307 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
Mathematics7MATH 124 (5 cr.)Satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning basic skills requirement and/or Natural World general education requirement for graduation
Mathematics6,5MATH 120 (5 cr.)Satisfies Natural World general education requirement for graduation
Music7,6,5MUSIC 120 (5 cr.)Counts toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
Near East7,6,5NEAR E 210 (5 cr.)Counts toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts or Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Philosophy7,6,5No credit
Physics7,6,5PHYS 114/117, 115/118, 116/119 (15 cr.)Satisfies Natural World general education requirement for graduation. PHYS 114 also satisfies Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning basic skills requirement for graduation.
Psychology7,6,5PSYCH 101 (5 cr.)Counts toward Individuals & Societies general education requirement for graduation.
Russian A
No creditConsult the department academic advisor for case by case review.
Russian B7RUSS 301, 302, 303 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation.
Russian B6RUSS 301, 302 (10 cr.)
Russian B5RUSS 301 (5 cr.)
Spanish A
No credit
Spanish B7SPAN 201, 202, 203 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement, and credits count toward general education requirement for graduation.
Spanish B6SPAN 201, 202 (10 cr.)
Spanish B5SPAN 201 (5 cr.)
Swahili A
To be determined
Swahili B7AFRAM 306, 307, 308 (15 cr.)Satisfies foreign language requirement.
Swahili B6AFRAM 306, 307 (10 cr.)Counts toward foreign language requirement.
Swahili B5AFRAM 306 (5 cr.)Counts toward foreign language requirement.
Theater Arts7,6,5DRAMA 101, 201 (10 cr.)Counts toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.

