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托普仕留学 当前位置: 托普仕留学 > 美国留学费用 > 正文
上传时间: 2021-09-26 16:03:17           浏览量: 4105





  Emory College and Oxford College:本科学费$54,660(2021-2022)相比较2020-2021学年埃默里大学的本科生53,868美元,这次学费上涨幅度为1.47%。

Estimated Direct Costs
Tuition$54,660 Fixed charge for 12 credit hours or more for which you are billed.
Fees$808 Fixed charges for athletic, activity, and health and wellness fees for which you are billed. Actual billed charge may be different based on courses.
Housing$9,254 Students living in residence halls are billed for a specific hall. This figure represents the average charge for a double room and includes all utilities, cable TV, and one campus computer connection. Actual billed charge may be different based on housing option chosen.
Food$7,048 The total estimated food expense covers the mandatory food charge. Actual billed charge may be different based on meal plan option chosen.
Estimated Indirect Costs
Travel$1,000-$1,200Represents a modest travel allowance. Actual expenses will vary by student. This is not charged to the student.
Personal$1,550-$1,650A variable figure that includes items such as laundry, telephone, grooming, and entertainment. This is not charged to the student.
Books$1,250-$1,350Per information from Emory Bookstore, average expenses for required books. Will vary by curriculum.
Direct Loan Fees$84 Represents a fee assessed by the Department of Education at the time of Direct Loan origination. The fee is calculated as a percentage of the loan amount and is deducted at the time of disbursement.
Estimated Total$75,654-$76,054* Cost of Attendance (COA) does not include an allowance for Emory’s health insurance requirement. Students not covered by a comparable plan will be automatically enrolled in the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan.

